Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What I've Been Reading Lately...Brief Reviews


The Word Became Fresh by Dale Ralph Davis

Davis has written some great commentaries on Samuel, Kings, and Joshua.  This work claims to be a preaching book but it is far from it.  That's not all a bad thing though.  Davis writes as if the reader were with him as he prepares to read, study, and preach form the Old Testament.  He drives the reader to preach and teach from all of the Scriptures and not just pass up  the hard topics (Chapter 5).  This was a fresh read and just a good reminder of how to approach the Old Testament.  The casual style of Davis makes this work accessible for all audiences, not just pastors or those in academics.

Intentional Parenting by Thad Thompson

I always like to resources for parenting and specifically those that train parents on how to disciple their children.  Thompson doesn't disappoint.  Cruciform Press aims at publishing short but powerful books (100 pages or so) for $9.99 which is great for church members and those with busy schedules.  
Intentional Parenting, is a great beginning point for parents seeking to be obedience to Scriptures call to parents to be the primary disciplers of their children.  Thompson goes through 7 areas parents need to  go through to be intentional.  They are Gospel, The Big Story (biblical theology), The Big Truths (systematic theology), The Great Commission, The Spiritual Disciplines, Christian Living, and Having a Biblical Worldview.  This is more than just how to have "Family Devotions" but is not overwhelming and a great resource for parents to read.  

Revitalize by Alvin Reid

I received this book through The Church Revitalization Conference hosted by NAMB.  I am so glad that church revitalization is getting some publicity alongside church planting. Both are necessary. Dr. Alvin Reid has written fantastic resource on a much needed subject. The book is short, to the point, and packs a punch. In between an Intro and Conclusion are five chapters based on the acronym VITAL (Visions, Ingestion, Traction, Alignment, and Leverage). Revitalization is a process, not an event or program. Revitalization is not just numerical growth, or returning to the glory days, or following a formula. Revitalization is "recapturing of the mission of God as seen in Scripture to the people of God living mission regardless of vocation or location" (8). Reid rightly acknowledges in the introduction, that all revitalization begins with prayer. Each chapter is packed with practical advice of how to begin the process of revitalization. Again, it's not a formula, but a process, a process that begins with repentance and prayer. I can't recommend this book enough. Pastor's and church members will benefit from this work.    

Jesus on Every Page by David Murray

Biblical Theology has greatly impacted my life. Too often books in this field are very academic and not ones I would recommend just anyone reading. Murray has began the process of bridging the gap between the academic world and church laity. BOTH those in the academic world and the normal church attendee will benefit from reading Murray's work. It's not too long and it is written from a testimony style or point of view in which Murray relates how he has come to read the Old Testament over years of study and growth. Murray is great at alliteration as seen in the chapter titles Christ’s Planet, Christ’s People, Christ’s Presence, Christ’s Precept, Christ’s Past, Christ’s Prophets, Christ’s Pictures, Christ’s Promises, Christ’s Proverbs, and Christ’s Poets.  Pastor's, Students, but most importantly the normal church member will greatly benefit from this work.  Murray masterfully points readers to Christ through the Old Testament as He did in Luke 24. 

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