Daniel Hill
*I received this book for free from Baker Books in exchange for my reviewing it, and I was not required to write a positive review.
Daniel Hill states on page 33 that the purpose of his book is “to paint a biblical picture of holistic, multidimensional faith, and to inspire and equip you to step into that as a new dimension of life in Christ.” Hill certainly paints pictures, but does he actually reach his goal? I would argue he does not.
Hill is a great communicator. His stories are gripping and his illustrations are on point. But Hill lacks good exegesis. He gives the background of his spiritual journey through various denominations and churches in which he realized that people from all of these various backgrounds had the same problem. Something was missing…Hill says it is faith. He then goes on and describes holistic faith through three sections 1. Faith and Fear 2. Faith and Intimacy and 3. Faith and Missions. Hill spends 4 chapters in introductory matters (and waits until chapter three to give any sort of thesis statement). I worried during the first two chapters if Hill would ever actually refer to the Scriptures at all. Instead it was a very self-centered description of his own journey. When he does refer to Scripture he frequently takes parables out of their context to to align with a particular story and point he is trying to make.
I found it ironic that his conclusion was faith and yet he does not emphasize two important things about faith. First, Romans 10:17 “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” While Hill tries to tie Hebrews 11 into his argument he does not emphasize the fact that true faith only comes through the submission and devotion to the Scriptures. All through out the Scriptures (Genesis 1, Deuteronomy 6., Joshua 1, Psalms 1, 19, 119 etc) there is an emphasis on knowing God through the means He has given us. His Word. Therefore. the more we read Scripture the more we come to know God, the bigger our view of God is the more we fear and obey and LOVE Him. This is how faith is increased and rightly changes our lives. Hill though completely misses at urging his readers to read and obey the Scriptures.
Secondly, all throughout the gospels and especially the book of Acts the words “faith” and “repent” are used interchangeably. Therefore to truly have faith is equal to repenting and vice versa. Hill, however, does not go into the topic of repentance. Instead in chapter 10 Hill emphasizes our own fears and Satan as what hinders us from having true faith. Hill never gets the the main thing that separates mankind from God, SIN. When one reads throughout the Scripture one thing becomes clear. Man is sinful and God is Holy. This is what makes grace so amazing, that a Holy God would conquer sin in order for us to be with Him again. Hill misses a great opportunity to call his readers to repentance.
Readers will certainly like Hill’s stories and the fact that he will appeal to your flesh and seem to give a new approach to what “real” faith is but ultimately he falls short. If you are a new Christian or someone who has run away from rules and regulations then this book might appeal to you…but it won’t ultimately point you in the direction you need to go. I would recommend “Desiring God” by John Piper instead. John 10:10 is certainly a wonderful promise…just one that Daniel Hill does not right exegete.